Friday, March 14, 2014

Orange Creamsicle Meringues

We occasionally get requests for Eggs Benedict and, I must admit, I make a mean Hollandaise Sauce.  Since the sauce uses egg yolks only, I will have three eggs whites left over.  What is perfect for using up three egg whites?


I absolutely love perfectly done meringue cookies but have seldom succeeded in creating them.  Popping one in your mouth and having the crunchy exterior give way to what can best be described as a solid foam that dissolves almost immediately is sublime.

Experiments have been done in this kitchen with numerous recipes; some plain and some with additions of cocoa, chocolate chips and Nutella.  But, I think I have finally found a good, all round site for instructions on making these little delicacies:

Never before had I been given permission to add alcohol and this has opened up so many possibilities! Since I had half of a fresh orange that needed using, I started there. It didn't take long to decide on Grand Marnier, a wonderful orange flavored liqueur.  Before starting the basic recipe, I grated my orange rind in a small bowl (maybe 1 TBLS), covered it with the liqueur (about 2 tsp) and set it aside to marry.

I would post the recipe here but really want you to go to the original site above for easy to follow meringue steps. These little guys can be tricky and this author does a great job of describing the process (and I have seen a few who did not!).  When you get to "Add flavorings," whip in the mixture above.  If you want them to be a stronger color, add more than the three drops of orange food coloring I did.

I love the fresh taste of the citrus.  I may try lemon next time.  Enjoy!