Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Protecting and Storing Recipe Cards

You will notice the stains and tears on old envelopes...time to make new ones!

It seems like it is impossible to keep cookbooks from getting stained when used often.  Add to that our problem of needing to adapt recipes for 2 to 16 people and you quickly discover a system to help you manage the kitchen chaos.

First, Mike went through and made tables for all the recipes we use often and broke then down into increments.  If it could be made individually, it made a table for 2,4,6, etc.  If it was a casserole, the table was for 4,8,12,16 (sizes for different combos of baking dishes).  This make it SOOO easy when you are cooking breakfast and haven't had all the coffee you really needed!

Next, I laminated them all with our handy-dandy laminating machine (one of the best investments I made for this place.) Or, you could take your cards to a local quick print shop. Most offer laminating service.

At first, this was enough.  But, as the piles of cards grew, it became necessary to corral them somehow. After looking around the office for ideas, the 9x12 inch mailing envelopes made themselves known.  Perfect size since we had printed recipes on half pages of card stock (4 1/4" X 5 1/2")


Cut off the bottom 6" of the envelope.

Reinforce the top with a strip of clear packing tape.  I just wrap the extra around to the back but you could seal both sides if you like.


Cut out a tab across the front, staying inside of the area that is taped.

Label the pockets and file in a handy drawer.

We have separate envelopes for "First Course," "Second Course," "Snacks,"  "Breads," and "Misc."

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